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Well Stephine and Cody say I'm pretty crazy. lol... So i guess I'm crazy and I'm a bunch of fun!! =]]]

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Me and how I am today!

So today is Tuesday and I'm in a great mood.I woke up like really late this morning and I'm suprised I even made it to school on time. lol... But I did. And today after school I don't know what I'm doing and I really need to know. And I've got to learn how to check the oil in my car... (It should be very entertaining). And I've really been thinkin about what I'm going to do when I get out of High School. And I've been thinkin about going to talk to my equine vet to see if I might be able to get a job helping him. Hmmmm..... Thinking is sooooooo hard.... The future is so over rated if you think about it. lol...


Stephy Dawn said...

Yeah I am in a good mood too, but I feel so blah...lol. Im glad you weren't late today because I wouldv'e been lonely in first hour!! lol. Well I got ya on the whole future thing but I'm just trying to survive my Senior Year!!! lol:) It's scarier than it's actually made out to be..it's the one you're most ready to be over...lol. love ya much stephy

Shelly said...

So you want to be a vet. Wonderful! What does it take to be a vet?

brit said...

hey shaunna so how was changing the oil!? Bet it was very entertaining