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Well Stephine and Cody say I'm pretty crazy. lol... So i guess I'm crazy and I'm a bunch of fun!! =]]]

Monday, February 11, 2008


So I'm sitting next to Zac in class right? Well I always sit next to Zac in this class. And he's on facebook like always. lol... And now his computer messed up so he's kinda mad!lol... And now he's lookin at me like i'm an idiot for writing this!!! lol... But I guess this is the end till next time!!
Shaunna Raelynn


Shelly said...

Muddin? That sounds interesting. Keep up the great work.

steven said...


Matt said...

appropriate comment

brit said...

GREAT job shaunna!

Zac Hearon said...

Thanks shaunna

Joey said...

Hi Shaunna

Stephy Dawn said...

ooo..muddin sounds AMAZING!!! Good times...hey steph me and Logan are stuck in a mud hole I'll have to call you back later k...yeah I remember...we never hung out so we have no memories..*tear* :(

jenni lin said...